Thursday 23 October 2008

Do You Believe in the Power of Tarot Cards?

Tarot cards are used usually for divination and have been associated with the occult for many years. The tarot cards are used in tarot readings, which are then used to gain insight into the future or the current situations of the person asking for the tarot reading. Tarot cards are also used to tap into the person's subconscious and let them see certain things about their lives.

Each card that is in the tarot pack has symbolic meanings that have been changed and have evolved as time has passed. Some tarot cards are themed or even custom made, which are used for even more specific symbolism to the people using those tarot cards.

When the tarot cards are used in a reading, the deck of cards are shuffled by the person who has asked for the reading, or by an independent person who is not in any way involved in the reading. The cards are laid out in a specific manner and the way in which they are spread can be a variety of ways. These are often referred to as the "spreads". The spreads are then read by the person performing the tarot reading.

The interpretation may be based on the subject's desires, thoughts and wishes for the past, the present and the future. Some of the things they are told may be from their subconscious rather than things they already know about.

The spreads that are used vary depending on the tarot cards and the person conducting the reading. Here are some common tarot card spreads used for divination purposes.

Celtic cross: This is the spread that is used most commonly throughout tarot readings. There are ten cards that are used altogether and six of them are arranged in the shape of a cross, four other cards are then placed on a vertical line beside the cross of cards. Another card is then placed in the middle of the ten card formation.

3 Card spread: This is a simpler spread with three cards being place next to each other. The first card is used to show the past, the second for the present and the third for the future.

Astrological spread: This spread uses twelve tarot cards that are placed in a circle shape. Another card is placed in the middle of those twelve cards.

The designs of the cards differ greatly also; where they originated from or who they were created by will determine what type of design the tarot cards have. The most well known tarot card design is that of the Tarot de Marseilles. This became the standardized design for a lot of tarot cards and many are still in production now.

Tarot cards are fascinating, both historically and psychologically. Whether you believe in the power of tarot readers and the cards they use doesn't matter they fascinate many of us and will continue to do so forever.