Wednesday, 6 June 2012

The powerful bottle spell for bringing in love

We all have heard of these bottle spells which have been used by witches when they cast magic. Here below you would get to know one such powerful spell which has far reaching results with immense success by all those who have used them properly and precisely. All that you need to do while you perform this spell is to keep with you few things which have been enlisted below.

To start with, you require a jar of glass as well as some spring water. Take a strand of your hair and some chocolate and vanilla extract. Keep a rose quartz stone with you while you chant this spell. IT is preferable that you perform this spell on Fridays when the powers of love are strongest as Venus; the planet of Love governs that day.

Keep all these ingredients in this glass jar. While you put all these in the jar, visualize within the love that flows I your life as it flows into the jar. Once you have put all the things into the jar, close the seal and bury the jar bottle in sand, preferable below a banyan tree on next Friday night. While you bury the same, you would need to chant the spell has been given blow:-
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“Oh powers of universe
Listen to me I pray
As this jar of bottle is buried deep within your bosom
Let the ingredients in the same
Help you to bring the ideal partner in my life
I beg you to listen to my prayers
Grant my wish
And fill my life with charm of love”

Once you have said these lines, bury this jar deep within without anyone seeing, else its effect would get destroyed. Once you performed this spell, go home speak to none about the same. This should be between you and the powers of the universe.